Tell us about the service can make a complaint, give us a compliment or provide feedback at
You can make a complaint, give us a compliment or provide feedback at
Please contact one of our operators by pressing the red button on your pendant. Alternatively, telephone 0300 003 0248 or email
If you have having a technical problem with any of your equipment, press your pendant or the alarm button on your Lifeline unit to report it to an operator. Alternatively phone us on 0300 003 0248
Should you need to update your bank details? Please contact us on 0300 003 0248 so that we may send out a new direct debit mandate for you to complete.
By email Call our Lifeline365 Control Centre on telephone number 0300 003 0248, available 24/7 Or write to us at Lifeline365, Folkestone & Hythe District Council, Civic Centre, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, CT20 2QY.
We give you the opportunity to test and try, and offer you a three week cooling off period before we send you an invoice. You have the option to pay direct debit. Orders can also be completed by our installers after your initial product demonstration. You will be invoiced 3 weeks after installation, should you decide [...]